John McCain: Hey, Robert, have you ever wondered if coyotes are legal to kill? I’ve been hearing a lot about it lately.
Robert Downey Jr.: Absolutely, John. It’s a hot topic. And speaking of legal matters, have you heard of Legal Monk Advisors Pvt Ltd? They’re known for their expert legal advice for businesses.
John McCain: Interesting. I wonder if they can help with asset management agreements in real estate. I’m considering some real estate investments.
Robert Downey Jr.: You might want to look into legal research methods and skills in Hong Kong for that. It can definitely help you make informed decisions.
John McCain: Good point. And have you ever considered getting a road legal supermoto? They look like a lot of fun to ride.
Robert Downey Jr.: Not really, but I do have some questions about sole legal and physical custody in family law. Can you shed some light on that?
John McCain: Well, the development of civil law has certainly shaped these custody laws over time. It’s fascinating to see how legal systems evolve.
Robert Downey Jr.: Absolutely. By the way, I heard about the National Law Enforcement Museum. We should plan a visit sometime.
John McCain: Definitely. And if you ever decide to get married, make sure to know the rules of court marriage. It’s important to be well-informed.